2024 on Film: My Favorite Photos from the Past Year
2024 was a year of rediscovering balance in the ebb and flow of my creativity. Early in the year, I went four months without picking up a camera. But a trip to Rio reignited my love for shooting film, and by year’s end, I found myself capturing commercial work and events for the first time. Creativity has always come to me in waves, and I’m continually learning how to embrace and sustain that energy when it comes. As I look ahead in 2025, I’m focused on finding creativity in still moments and finally using the stockpile of film tucked away in my fridge’s crisper drawer.
2024 was a year of rediscovering balance in the ebb and flow of my creativity. Early in the year, I went four months without picking up a camera. But a trip to Rio reignited my love for shooting film, and by year’s end, I found myself capturing commercial work and events for the first time. Creativity has always come to me in waves, and I’m continually learning how to embrace and sustain that energy when it comes. As I look ahead in 2025, I’m focused on finding creativity in still moments and finally using the stockpile of film tucked away in my fridge’s crisper drawer.
As I look ahead in 2025, I’m focused on finding creativity in still moments.
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